Want to Join Our Community

Join the 90 Seconds freelance community, receive work contracts online, start collaborating on our world-class cloud video production platform and get paid fast!

Plenty of Jobs

90 Seconds produces 1000's of videos a year giving our freelance community heaps of work opportunities every day

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All Over the World

90 Seconds has bases in 7 countries and has produced videos in over 110 countries. The number of bases we have and the number of countries we've produced videos in, grows by the day.

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Managed Online

Everything is managed online in our world-calls cloud video creation platform from Purchase to Publish. No hassle at all with everything you need stored, delivered, reviewed, managed and distributed in one place, including your work contracts.

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Get Paid Fast

90 Seconds values our freelancers and pays them fast. Once you've completed your work contract it's automatically sent to our finance team for processing and payment.

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